Monday, June 13, 2011

I went on the Rotary Indian Tour with District 9940 in January 2011

Saturday, 15 January 2011
A little about the Polio Immunisation Awareness Rally as just part of the organised Rotary Indian Tour with District 9940 in January 2011 written by George Beaton of Takaro [Palmerston North] Club

We had an early start this morning and had to be ready for the bus at 8.15am as it was a fair distance across town to the school we were visiting, we had to allow for the traffic.

On arrival there were hundreds of school children lined up in their uniforms and banners all wearing the same yellow waistcoats as we were. We also had our black polo shirts on with NZ across the back and a huge silver fern across the chest. Also a Rotary cap - so we looked pretty impressive as a group, all 32 of us. There were a couple of elephants all rigged up,  a camel and two young men on very long stilts with drums. We were given a briefing about what was going to happen, and of course had to learn the slogan to chant. It was a bit long but finished with  "...END POLIO NOW!" Then at 10.30am after many speeches (Rotarians love making speeches) and balloon releasing we headed off around the local streets. What a commotion we stirred up with loud speaker blaring. Every so often we stopped, music was played and everybody was supposed to dance Bollywood fashion, everybody came out of their houses or looked down from their balconies, the local kids became very excited and wanted to do high fives and be photographed. We marched in chaotic slow fashion for just on two hours and miraculously ended up back at the school. The whole affair was exciting and also exhausting with the noise and you know it is difficult to smile continuously for 2 hours. We laughed later about what is must be like for celebraties etc doing the public walk about!

Then it was straight on the bus and around to St Stephens Hospital which works closely with Delhi Midtown. Here at this huge 800 bed Christian private funded hospital there is a special 8 bed ward for children affected by Polio. We meet the orthopaedic surgeon who heads the team working with these people and he gave a Power Point Presentation of cases he has been dealing with. Many with graphic photos of before and after comparisons. Basically these young people can have their deformities corrected by surgery but are still paralysed by this cruel disease and still have a certain degree of disability following all their treatment. So instead of having to crawl around on the floor as many of them did, they are up on their feet and use callipers and crutches to get around. Their dignity is restored and they can lead a comparably normal life.

Lunch was then served, Indian (mild they assured us) and butterscotch ice cream for dessert. We were then taken into the ward and introduced to the young people, the youngest was ten, either waiting for surgery or recovering from surgery, each patient’s complex tragic story was told to us. The surgeon has a passion for what he does. The young people and their parents’ present showed admiration and gratitude for the work he and his team do. These people do not have to pay; they have no way of paying.

It was emotional and harrowing to see how polio can and still effects young people in India.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bookings ahoy!

Hello everyone, Sarah here. Great to read Pat Waite's notes on the tour this year. Just to let you know that we've received the first two bookings for the November tour. This is great news as it is a kick-start to the tour! We'd love you to get your bookings in with your deposits ($595) so that we can make sure we've got the numbers for our planning. Remember, the more people who book the cheaper the price! Of course, if  the tour doesn't go ahead you'll get your deposit refunded in full - so there's no risk. Hopefully you have got the information you need - there's a special online booking form on the website if you'd prefer to do it that way. And of course, if you do have any questions about the tour, or visiting India in general (like what to pack etc) then  drop me a line at

All the best, Sarah

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

January 2011 trip to India by District 9940

PDG Pat Waite outlines some very interesting observations of the changes which have taken place in India between his first trip in 2009 and a second trip earlier this year.

He reports as follows.

Melva and I returned to India in January two years after our first visit there as part of District 9940 twenty member team which in 2009 participated in a National Immunization Day Polio immunization programme in the slum area of Firozabad close to Taj Mahal.  This year we were privileged to lead a group of 32 Rotarians and partners to a similar programme in Delhi.

The team comprised members of the Rotary Clubs of Hutt City, Karori, Takaro, Foxton, Tawa, Wellington South, Welllington North and Takapuna, Auckland.

There were some differences this time compared to 2009 in that we had the opportunity to spend time with Rotary Clubs and see first hand the amazing work that they do with disadvantaged and poorer communities. We saw health programmes where children receive free medical and optical checks, vaccinations, learning programmes where young women from very poor communities are taught over a 12 month course sewing and craft skills.  

At the end of this course each person who successfully completes it and passes the exams will receive a sewing machine and access to a micro credit loan so that they can start a business. Young men are taught computer skills. 

The day we visited this camp where the programmes are held many Rotarians were away supporting 20 young women from the slum areas who were being married that day and Rotary Clubs had paid their dowries! We visited St Stephens Hospital where Dr Mathew Varghese runs a polio ward which is funded by Rotary and where young men and women who have been inflicted by polio have their hands, arms and limbs lengthened, straightened, turned and strengthened so that they can walk with the help of calipers and in time return to a fruitful life. 

Many of the people we met in the wards had not been able to stand up and had spent their lives crawling or using skate boards to get around. To lengthen legs Dr Mathew demonstrated with patients how he had cut the bone and over several months had stretched limbs to match the other ones. All costs are covered by Rotary or Dr Mathew’s personal fundraising! We were so inspired that we raised amongst ourselves over $1,000 at a sergeants session in Delhi and that has matched several times over by Clubs and members so that we can help Dr Mathew fund new equipment.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Approximate costing

Just for clarification, these are the trip costs.

The air fair, assuming 20 persons, is Economy class level based on 20 passengers $NZ2225.65 includes airline taxes & levies per person. We have chosen Singapore Airlines.

Travel Insurance $NZ275.00.ea or $NZ441.00 double. We have chosen QBE who give us 20% discount.

Indian Tour, assuming 20 people, 2,225 English Pounds. At the moment (3-6-11) the NZ equivalent is $4,454.80 and getting cheaper! We have Chosen Darjeeling Tours. The deposit for the tour is $NZ595.00

So, for the above you will need  say $7,000.00 plus spending money.