Just for clarification, these are the trip costs.
The air fair to Deli return is from $1,355 on Singapore Airline as of 4-November 2012. .
Travel Insurance approximately $NZ275.00.ea.
Indian Tour, $2,200 US Dollars which is NZ$2,666.00 as of
4-November 1012.
So, for the above you will need say $4,300.00 each ~ plus spending money.
The air fair to Deli return is from $1,355 on Singapore Airline as of 4-November 2012. .
Travel Insurance approximately $NZ275.00.ea.
Indian Tour, $2,200 US Dollars which is NZ$2,666.00 as of
4-November 1012.
So, for the above you will need say $4,300.00 each ~ plus spending money.