Saturday, April 9, 2011

Letter from 9930 District Governor Peter Signal

Dear Rotarians of District 9930,

It is my pleasure to announce a District Trip to India.

Approximately 25 Rotarians will have the opportunity to join District Polio Challenge Coordinator Max Patmoy on a trip to the Subcontinent in November to attend a SNID (sub national immunisation days).

As the battle to eradicate polio draws slowly to a successful finish so the opportunities to see how Rotary’s US$800M is being spent become less and less frequent. This is your chance!

Whilst attending District 9940’s conference last month I heard a presentation by PDG Pat Waite and some of his team. Pat took 32 Rotarians from 9940 (the District physically below) to India for the NID experience. During the 20 minute presentation his team described their feelings visiting a dedicated Polio Hospital, inoculating young children and accepting the thanks of nearly all Indians for Rotary’s monumental efforts in eradicating polio.

 expression of interest". This by no way commits you to anything but keeps you in the loop and gives you a position in the queue.

Depending on numbers, and using the same tour organisers, Max hopes to build on 9940’s trip and make ours even better!

I assure anyone going of a life-altering experience, not only seeing how we have our foot on the throat of polio, but also justifying the cost to have a wonderful couple of weeks in India.

Our District putting on this trip on at cost and you could not organise such a trip yourself at the price.
I have reviewed the itinerary and heard wonderful things about the New Zealanders running the Indian Tour and can unequivocally recommend it to everyone.

At this stage I urge you to at least email Max and tell him of an "expression of interest". This by no way commits you to anything but keeps you in the loop and gives you a position in the queue.

Peter Signal
District Governor 2010-2011
District website

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