Thursday, July 21, 2011

Have you heard of RUCHI?

Dear Rotarians,                                                                            

It is my pleasure to announce a huge coup with our District Trip to India in November.

Have you heard of RUCHI? Read on...

Approximately 25 Rotarians will have the opportunity to join District Assistant Governor Rebecca Signal on a trip to the Subcontinent a SNID (sub national immunisation days) in November.

Colin Alford, a Rotarian from District 9940 has been for some 5 years supporting the work of a Non Government Organisation (NGO) working with the rural poor in Himachal Pradesh in the Himalayan foothills.
He has not been working alone, of course, but with other Rotarians and Rotary Clubs of District 9940 with financial support from individuals and Rotary clubs, a Rotary Foundation Matching Grant, a Future Vision District Grant, RNZWCS and MFAT New Zealand Government Aid.

Our Rotary team from 9930 is now scheduling the following:

1. To District 3080 to participate in a polio immunisation campaign in northern India.

2.Visiting the Rural Centre For Human Interests (RUCHI)  at the village of Bandh which is around one and half hours from Kalka on the wonderful narrow gauge railway line to Shimla.

RUCHI is doing great work for the rural poor and Collin considers what they are doing as a "model" of how an NGO should operate. They are an NGO that we could all learn a lot from.

As the battle to eradicate polio draws slowly to a successful finish so the opportunities to see how Rotary’s US$800M has been spent become less and less frequent. This is your chance!

Depending on numbers, and using the same tour organisers, Rebecca hopes to build on 9940’s trip of 38 Rotarians made last January and make our trip even better!

I assure anyone going of a life-altering experience, not only seeing how we have our foot on the throat of polio, but also justifying the cost to have a wonderful couple of weeks in India.

Our District putting on this trip on at cost and you could not organise such a trip yourself at the price.
I have reviewed the itinerary and heard wonderful things about the New Zealanders running the Indian Tour and can unequivocally recommend it to everyone.

At this stage I urge you to at least email Rebecca at and tell her of your interest.

Reach within to embrace humanity
Max Patmoy District Polio Challenge Coordinator 2011-12
Rotary Foundation Committee
District 9930, New Zealand

Phone 06 836 6081
Fax: 06 836-6664
Mobile: 027 279 3760
Skype: maxpatmoy

Monday, June 13, 2011

I went on the Rotary Indian Tour with District 9940 in January 2011

Saturday, 15 January 2011
A little about the Polio Immunisation Awareness Rally as just part of the organised Rotary Indian Tour with District 9940 in January 2011 written by George Beaton of Takaro [Palmerston North] Club

We had an early start this morning and had to be ready for the bus at 8.15am as it was a fair distance across town to the school we were visiting, we had to allow for the traffic.

On arrival there were hundreds of school children lined up in their uniforms and banners all wearing the same yellow waistcoats as we were. We also had our black polo shirts on with NZ across the back and a huge silver fern across the chest. Also a Rotary cap - so we looked pretty impressive as a group, all 32 of us. There were a couple of elephants all rigged up,  a camel and two young men on very long stilts with drums. We were given a briefing about what was going to happen, and of course had to learn the slogan to chant. It was a bit long but finished with  "...END POLIO NOW!" Then at 10.30am after many speeches (Rotarians love making speeches) and balloon releasing we headed off around the local streets. What a commotion we stirred up with loud speaker blaring. Every so often we stopped, music was played and everybody was supposed to dance Bollywood fashion, everybody came out of their houses or looked down from their balconies, the local kids became very excited and wanted to do high fives and be photographed. We marched in chaotic slow fashion for just on two hours and miraculously ended up back at the school. The whole affair was exciting and also exhausting with the noise and you know it is difficult to smile continuously for 2 hours. We laughed later about what is must be like for celebraties etc doing the public walk about!

Then it was straight on the bus and around to St Stephens Hospital which works closely with Delhi Midtown. Here at this huge 800 bed Christian private funded hospital there is a special 8 bed ward for children affected by Polio. We meet the orthopaedic surgeon who heads the team working with these people and he gave a Power Point Presentation of cases he has been dealing with. Many with graphic photos of before and after comparisons. Basically these young people can have their deformities corrected by surgery but are still paralysed by this cruel disease and still have a certain degree of disability following all their treatment. So instead of having to crawl around on the floor as many of them did, they are up on their feet and use callipers and crutches to get around. Their dignity is restored and they can lead a comparably normal life.

Lunch was then served, Indian (mild they assured us) and butterscotch ice cream for dessert. We were then taken into the ward and introduced to the young people, the youngest was ten, either waiting for surgery or recovering from surgery, each patient’s complex tragic story was told to us. The surgeon has a passion for what he does. The young people and their parents’ present showed admiration and gratitude for the work he and his team do. These people do not have to pay; they have no way of paying.

It was emotional and harrowing to see how polio can and still effects young people in India.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bookings ahoy!

Hello everyone, Sarah here. Great to read Pat Waite's notes on the tour this year. Just to let you know that we've received the first two bookings for the November tour. This is great news as it is a kick-start to the tour! We'd love you to get your bookings in with your deposits ($595) so that we can make sure we've got the numbers for our planning. Remember, the more people who book the cheaper the price! Of course, if  the tour doesn't go ahead you'll get your deposit refunded in full - so there's no risk. Hopefully you have got the information you need - there's a special online booking form on the website if you'd prefer to do it that way. And of course, if you do have any questions about the tour, or visiting India in general (like what to pack etc) then  drop me a line at

All the best, Sarah

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

January 2011 trip to India by District 9940

PDG Pat Waite outlines some very interesting observations of the changes which have taken place in India between his first trip in 2009 and a second trip earlier this year.

He reports as follows.

Melva and I returned to India in January two years after our first visit there as part of District 9940 twenty member team which in 2009 participated in a National Immunization Day Polio immunization programme in the slum area of Firozabad close to Taj Mahal.  This year we were privileged to lead a group of 32 Rotarians and partners to a similar programme in Delhi.

The team comprised members of the Rotary Clubs of Hutt City, Karori, Takaro, Foxton, Tawa, Wellington South, Welllington North and Takapuna, Auckland.

There were some differences this time compared to 2009 in that we had the opportunity to spend time with Rotary Clubs and see first hand the amazing work that they do with disadvantaged and poorer communities. We saw health programmes where children receive free medical and optical checks, vaccinations, learning programmes where young women from very poor communities are taught over a 12 month course sewing and craft skills.  

At the end of this course each person who successfully completes it and passes the exams will receive a sewing machine and access to a micro credit loan so that they can start a business. Young men are taught computer skills. 

The day we visited this camp where the programmes are held many Rotarians were away supporting 20 young women from the slum areas who were being married that day and Rotary Clubs had paid their dowries! We visited St Stephens Hospital where Dr Mathew Varghese runs a polio ward which is funded by Rotary and where young men and women who have been inflicted by polio have their hands, arms and limbs lengthened, straightened, turned and strengthened so that they can walk with the help of calipers and in time return to a fruitful life. 

Many of the people we met in the wards had not been able to stand up and had spent their lives crawling or using skate boards to get around. To lengthen legs Dr Mathew demonstrated with patients how he had cut the bone and over several months had stretched limbs to match the other ones. All costs are covered by Rotary or Dr Mathew’s personal fundraising! We were so inspired that we raised amongst ourselves over $1,000 at a sergeants session in Delhi and that has matched several times over by Clubs and members so that we can help Dr Mathew fund new equipment.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Approximate costing

Just for clarification, these are the trip costs.

The air fair, assuming 20 persons, is Economy class level based on 20 passengers $NZ2225.65 includes airline taxes & levies per person. We have chosen Singapore Airlines.

Travel Insurance $NZ275.00.ea or $NZ441.00 double. We have chosen QBE who give us 20% discount.

Indian Tour, assuming 20 people, 2,225 English Pounds. At the moment (3-6-11) the NZ equivalent is $4,454.80 and getting cheaper! We have Chosen Darjeeling Tours. The deposit for the tour is $NZ595.00

So, for the above you will need  say $7,000.00 plus spending money.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Information on the Polio National Immunisation Dates (NIDs)

Hi everyone, Sarah again. I thought that it would be useful for you to have some background on the NID dates. As we've mentioned in our notes on the itineraries, the Indian Government doesn't give much notice for the immunisation dates and sometimes changes its minds very close to the time, which means that we have to be very flexible in our planning. We're in regular contact with our Indian agents, Rotary Polio members and the WHO who are "on the ground" in terms of the planning. We've had the following email from one contact which details the processes the government and various agencies go through:


Email from Jenny Horton, World Health Organisation – Delhi
11 April 2011
Re October/November we have no idea even if there will be a SIA in that month…. the process is:
The expert group meet and decide on the proposed  months there will be campaigns and the proposed locations.   They meet 3(?) times a year. They review data and propose only for the next 3-4 months. So they will say there is to be a campaign in Jan, Feb, March, April. After that the government then decide if they are going ahead with the recommendation and if so  on the actual date of the campaign and the locations of the activity… (as it may be different to that recommended by the expert committee). Right now the government is only giving a few weeks notice.Like the 24th April was announced 2 days ago.     

If we have no more cases of polio between now and October one cannot predict when campaigns will be. Right now we are having monthly campaigns in some areas but I would expect that to be less if there are no cases, especially once the high season comes. Nothing is guaranteed that far in advance. It is more likely there will be NIDs (national campaigns)  in Jan and Feb,  but again one does not know that until after the relevant expert advisory group meeting. 

But we do know there are proposed activities (by the expert committee) for May and June and that is all we know-  dates or whether they will actually happen is yet to be seen. There is no planning done after June.
If we have no more cases of polio in the next 3-4 months, those monthly campaigns may be start to be scaled back some….. that we will not know until that expert committee meet - then after that the government consider the recommendations and make their plans. I do not know when that expert committee meeting is due, maybe about June (?).         

So bottom line, we do not know if there will be any polio activity at all in November in India, as we may well have seen our last polio case. If that is so, the monthly campaigns in places like west Bengal and UP will start to be scaled back.  Nothing is predictable in this situation that far in advance. Campaigns will continue after the last case for a few years but they will be occurring less and less.    

So sorry, for at least the next 3 or 4 months we will not know if there is to be any polio activity in November in India. It would be very risky to promise anything knowing we only have 1 case to date for 2011.  

All who are there are aware and it is put on the National Immunization Day Calendar on the website . It is not disseminated outside too much as the government does not always go ahead with the proposals  and although they might say yes to a activity in November for example, we might find the date for an earlier activity in Oct is the end of the month and so they jump  the next month and have a campaign 6 weeks after the one held.  Closer to the date we will have a better idea…..   

This is all driven by the epidemiology of the disease,  the vaccine available, the funds available and final dates take in account festivals etc. There are funding issues with polio campaigns,  vaccine is not always available and if there is no disease obviously campaigns will continue but in a slowly decreasing number. Let’s hope we have had our last case – India caused 77% of the worlds outbreaks last year.

Regards, Jenny===================================================

Based on past dates, we expect that the NID's for November will fall within the start and end dates of our tour. 

We'll monitor the situation and as soon as the dates are announced we'll update the itinerery as necessary - and of course, let you all know.

We'll also be in touch with local Rotary Groups to organise plenty of interesting fall-back activities in the event that the NID is not scheduled within the itinerary dates.


Rotary Magic of India Tour Briefing

Hello everyone - Sarah from Darjeeling Tours here. Just to let you know that we are returning to New Zealand later in the year (to our home in Titahi Bay) and we plan to run a tour briefing for everyone who's booked on the tour. The likely venue will be in Taupo, and we'll cover off such topics as safety, money, the food, travel, health, religious sites, dealing with beggars, shopping etc - it's a great opportunity to meet your fellow travellers and the tour managers (that's me and Clive!). We'll update everyone a little nearer the time once we've finalised dates/venue etc. Of course, if you do have any questions about the holiday please feel free to email us at or Skype us on darjeelingtours (remembering we're 12 hours behind you...).

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Travel Insurance quote

Hi Max

Here is the quote for leisure travel insurance for the India trip. I have based this on departing NZ on 8 November and arriving back into NZ on 25 November 2011.

Single policy
$100.00 excess $341.00 less 20% = $272.80
$250.00 excess $308.00 less 20% =$246.40
$500.00 excess $272.00 less 20%=$217.60

Double policy
$100.00 excess $552.00 less 20% dc=$441.60 for 2 adults
$250.00 excess $498.00 less 20% dc=$398.40 for 2 adults
$500.00 excess $440.00 less 20% dc=$353.00 for 2 adults

Let me know if you need any further information.

Kind regards

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Group email to all those showing interest

Dear Traveler,

This is a group email to all those showing interest in the National Immunisation Day (NID) and tour of India for November 2011. 

At this stage I wish you to thoroughly look at all aspects of the tour through the blogsite

Attached is a travel insurance policy from our travel agents Gilpin Travel Events. You may wish to cary your own travel insurance, that will then be your responsibility, look at all documentation closely.

Also attached are the Terms and Conditions, Itinnery and Booking form, read the all thoroughly.

We are now taking bookings with a deposit of $595.00 per person.

Yours in Rotary

Max Patmoy
District Polio Challenge Coordinator
Rotary Foundation Committee
District 9930
"Whitebay" 527 Main Road RD2
Eskdale, Napier 4182
New Zealand 
Phone 06 836 6081
Fax: 06 836-6664
Mobile: 027 279 3760
Skype: maxpatmoy

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail  

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Climate in Delhi during November


Delhi is situated on the banks of river Yamuna in the northern part of India. Once a part of the Aravalies,
 today Delhi has only the Ridge area to tell the story of the greenery this place once had. Himalayas
 are in the North of Delhi.

The capital of India is a land locked city. The distance from the sea gives Delhi an extreme type o
f continental climate. The summers in Delhi are very hot and winters very cold. The temperature range
 varies from 45 degrees in summers to 4 degrees in winters. The winters are marked by mist and
 fog in the mornings and often sun is seen in the afternoons. The cold wave from the Himalayan
 region makes winters very chilly. In summers the heat wave is immense and adequate precaution
 has to be taken before going out in the hot summer afternoons.

The best season to visit Delhi is During the spring seasons of February to April and August to
 November. The bloom season of February and March make Delhi colourful. This time of the year
 brings greenery on the face of Delhi.

Please "click here" for update weather report and forecast. (Courtesy Yahoo!)


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Note from District Foundation Chair

The Little Book of India is a great little book.  Even in its present form, it is very valuable, I would say.  Put it on the blog. Did I tell you that I took 15 India itineraries to conference and came home with 2? 

Susan Campbell
Rotary Foundation Committee Chair
District 9930

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Darjeeling Tours say its time to "Get Booking".

Get booking!

As we mentioned, we really need people to start booking - with just their deposits at this stage.

This is NZ$595 per person which can be paid via credit card (the booking form has a section for this) or via internet banking (again the ANZ Wellington branch/account details are on the booking form). Direct payment to our account at ANZ Bank Lambton Quay, Wellington, NZ: 010505 0430663-00

This helps us to firm up our planning because we have got an idea of numbers etc.

Of course, if for any reason we cancel the tour the deposit would be refunded. I attach an updated booking form with the NZ$ deposit marked on it. These can be scanned and emailed to us, or faxed on +44 8444 170574. Alternatively they can be posted to us - if people prefer.

Darjeeling Tours Limited
Lime Tree Lodge, Thorpe Road, Mattersey, Doncaster DN10 5ED

Indian Visas

Here's some information on getting your Indian visa. It is a fairly simple process (compared to getting one in the UK!).

You will need to apply for a Tourist Visa. Note that the visa starts from the date of issue not the date of travel - so don't apply too early! Visas last for six months and cost $95.

To apply by post complete (and sign) the application form (see attached) - or you can download it from

Don't forget to attach a recent passport photo to the form. Send it with your passport and banker's cheque payable to: "High Commission of India, Wellington" to: 180, Molesworth Street, Wellington 6015.

We recommend that you send it in a courier or NZ Post Registered Post envelope. Make sure you also enclose a Self Addressed Registered Post envelope for return of your passport.

Please note that personal cheques or credit card payments are not accepted. Allow ten working days for receipt of your Visa.

Update from Sarah Thompson

Hi Max,

Further to our recent Skype conversation, here's a timeline, plus a few notes for your blog

Date         Action                                                        Comments
Now          Bookings being received                             NZ$595 deposit with completed from
Ongoing     Info on India sent out with booking acknowledgements          
18 Aug      Any add-ons or extras agreed                     
25 Aug      Final invoices issued                                  
1 Sep       Balance of payment due                              Tour numbers & final price determined at this point
28 Sep      Travel documents issued                             Includes amended itinerary, if necessary.
14 Sep      Latest date for travel clinic visit                    Some may require multiple inoculations
12 Oct      Latest date for Indian visa application           Allow minimum of two weeks for visa
26 Oct      Travellers cheques and local currency           It may not be possible to obtain rupees in NZ, but there are lots of ATM's in India.
9 Nov        Depart!
Sarah Thompson
Darjeeling Tours Limited, Thorpe Road, Mattersey, Doncaster DN10 5ED

Sarah Thompson from Darjeeling Tours

Hi Max,

Yes, we do have our "Little Book of India" - but we're in the middle of doing a bit of a re-write, so I'll send it to you once we've finished. It's formatted as a booklet so it prints double sided onto A4 paper, then gets folded and stapled.

You'll have it within a week.

All the best,


Sarah Thompson
Darjeeling Tours Limited

Email from our Tour Company

Hi Max,

Thanks for giving Darjeeling Tours the opportunity to do another Rotary tour to India for the polio programme. We thoroughly enjoyed the last one and it was good to be amongst Kiwis again!

Although we're at an early stage in the planning it would be good to have a chat about current proposals and give you an opportunity to ask any questions which you may have. Perhaps you could let me know the best time to call, and the best number to ring. Mornings or evenings would suit the time difference. Some of the subjects which we ought to cover are:
  • The booking process
  • Payment options
  • Inclusions and exclusions
  • Split of responsibilities between ourselves and yourself
  • Strategies for dealing with the NID uncertainty
  • Information and advice on travelling in India
I look forward to hearing from you

All the best


Clive Thompson
Darjeeling Tours Ltd
Lime Tree Lodge, Thorpe Road, Mattersey, Doncaster DN10 5ED, UK.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

District Governor's wife to host 9930's Tour to India.

Stop Press!!!
Rebecca Signal, wife of District Governor Peter Signal, has agreed to host the 9930 Rotary Tour to India.
Rebecca shares the DG chores with hubby Peter and is owner of Otorohanga Physiotherapy Clinic, so no aches or pains on tour.
Hard working Rebecca was coerced over a cup of instant coffee at the home of District Polio Coordinator Max Patmoy in Napier this morning.
Taking advantage of a rush of caffeine Max asked Rebecca to head the trip knowing of her love of travel and her fascination with India.
So, subject to numbers, Rebecca Signal will be our Tour Leader to India.

Monday, April 11, 2011

9940 District Governor Howard Tong

9940 District Governor Howard has agreed to support and promote the next visit by Rotarians to India as part of a National Immunisation Team. Approximately 25 Rotarians will have the opportunity to join District 9930 Polio Challenge Coordinator Max Patmoy on a trip to the Subcontinent in November 2011.

As the battle to eradicate polio draws slowly to a successful finish so the opportunities to see how Rotary’s US$800M is being spent become less and less frequent.

This is your chance!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Letter from 9930 District Governor Peter Signal

Dear Rotarians of District 9930,

It is my pleasure to announce a District Trip to India.

Approximately 25 Rotarians will have the opportunity to join District Polio Challenge Coordinator Max Patmoy on a trip to the Subcontinent in November to attend a SNID (sub national immunisation days).

As the battle to eradicate polio draws slowly to a successful finish so the opportunities to see how Rotary’s US$800M is being spent become less and less frequent. This is your chance!

Whilst attending District 9940’s conference last month I heard a presentation by PDG Pat Waite and some of his team. Pat took 32 Rotarians from 9940 (the District physically below) to India for the NID experience. During the 20 minute presentation his team described their feelings visiting a dedicated Polio Hospital, inoculating young children and accepting the thanks of nearly all Indians for Rotary’s monumental efforts in eradicating polio.

 expression of interest". This by no way commits you to anything but keeps you in the loop and gives you a position in the queue.

Depending on numbers, and using the same tour organisers, Max hopes to build on 9940’s trip and make ours even better!

I assure anyone going of a life-altering experience, not only seeing how we have our foot on the throat of polio, but also justifying the cost to have a wonderful couple of weeks in India.

Our District putting on this trip on at cost and you could not organise such a trip yourself at the price.
I have reviewed the itinerary and heard wonderful things about the New Zealanders running the Indian Tour and can unequivocally recommend it to everyone.

At this stage I urge you to at least email Max and tell him of an "expression of interest". This by no way commits you to anything but keeps you in the loop and gives you a position in the queue.

Peter Signal
District Governor 2010-2011
District website

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dear Rotarian,
I am pleased to announce that some of the Rotarians of District 9930 will be off to India for a National Immunisation Day (three days actually) and a fully escorted tour. See attached.
As you may know we have been working on the tour for quite a long time and District Governor Peter has given it his blessing. The tour company is the same company that took 38 Rotarians from District 9940 to India and a NID last February. They all had a fabulous, life changing time.
I am at this stage only asking for “Expressions of Interest”. The price for the tour is about NZ$4,500.00 (2,155 British Pounds) and the flight both ways is about NZ$2,225.00 amounting to a total of about $6,750. Of course there are tour jackets and t-shirts to be paid for so think of about $7,000.00 plus spending money.
The tour will start Wednesday November 9th from Auckland and return to Auckland Friday November 25th 2011.
In the years to come polio, like smallpox, will be consigned to history. This is your chance to see what Rotary does on the world stage. Come and see the results of twenty five years of donating to eliminating polio on earth.
We wish to keep numbers to about 25 Rotarians only as the Tour Company feels this number is most manageable so it will be a case of first come first served. If you wish further information and express interest in this tour please email me at your earliest.
Yours in Rotary
Max Patmoy
District Polio Challenge Coordinator
Rotary Foundation Committee
District 9930
Phone 06 836 6081
Mobile: 027 279 3760
Skype: maxpatmoy